Friday, September 19, 2014

筑翼, Cyclops Group(9月19日)

And well well, a late blog post I guess? It should be done a long time ago LoLoLx! The Training Camp should be start on June ( 6月14,15,16日 ). Just because of busy those damn assignments that drove me crazy and and prepare for final exam and not in mood to write in! And hell yes I already write for my pongies children before, of course I won't left aside not going write for my Cyclops children and Mummy LoLoLxxx~~

Yup! This is Cyclops Family!

Yup! This is my best partner who known as mummy in Cyclops group( PS: Don't misunderstand,  we're just friendzz lolololx~~! ).
It's very glad to have her taking care of them and cooperate well with me. Sometimes understanding( 默契 ) among assistant really really important during lead own team lol!

And hell yeah we're also selfies everywhere by my smartphone. ( My phone memory going to boom soon lol! )
You know what, now I just realized when I arrange all about you all photos. The total memory of photos is 322MB!! Phew! You all really "Gao" selfies lol!! =.=""

And hell yes that's me! :PP

What I learn in Basic Management Principle(one of Year 2 Sem 1 subject), I realized that I used few methods like "Task-Oriented behavior" and "People-Oriented behavior".

Task-oriented behavior means that the leaders or managers who just order some task to the members or employees and a must to achieve a goal.
People-oriented behavior means that the leaders or managers who are very know members or employees' feeling and passionate to them encouraging them to achieve a goal.

Well, depends on situation. At first, I used a little methods of people-oriented behavior and after that use more on the methods of people-oriented behavior because I know that they're trying their best and know what they have to be done. Sometimes I really get worried they hardly to achieve the goals but at last they just achieve what they have to achieve it!

 Yup! This is Cyclops name tags lol!
 Well well, I upload this because quite epic photos! :P

See see!!! Even my assistant also like selfies with these kids. Beh guai Cyclops kids是被她遗传的!:P Or me?? -.- ( Honestly, many selfies photos got mummy with Cyclops children in my folders lol! )

Hell yeah! The photo that after training camp we're back to college lol! 
....Wait! That's not the end yet!!!

Here is gai gai photos and birthday photos!



This is uhhh.....Mummy's 作品...-_-

Huhu...The photos during we go gai gai!

三剑客 of nowhere else! =.=

Well well, the kids that make me headache and tired but yet glad to have fun with you all lol! Not going upload all because seriously too many lol! xP 
Phew, thanks for giving me a good good memories! Love you all! Win liao lohhh!! xD <3 p="">

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Different Lifestyles We Live(9月18日)

It's been a long time I haven't been here to open my blogger and write mine opinion to share. And today my inspiration just suddenly pop-up! and have the passion going to write.

Today I'm going to write the people around the world have their own different lifestyles. Of course you might know that every people have their own different lifestyles. What I actually want to say that we need to try to fell other's people how would they live in a poor life. My friend invite me to participate Tzu Chi ( 慈济 ) last Sunday morning to visit some of 苦命人( OKU, people who live very tough in their life or got some disease that can't be cure ) in their house. That time I woke up early in the morning and felt sleepy.

Situation 1:-

When I was there I saw one of the guy who actually got AIDS and use the stick to move around. He can't talk and he is just 20+ or 30+ years old but I can see that he still being strong to help his mother "拔豆豆" ( I don't know how to describe lololol ). What I know is the Tzu Chi member sponsor a LCD TV to them ( Or maybe just sponsor the other half price of the TV? ). After the TV came, he fell very happy. Partly he enjoys the TV show, and partly he "拔豆豆". 在他们眼中,小小的祝福,小小的帮助,就是他们一辈子的幸福。

Sitting in front the laptop or mobile of you, you have healthy 2 hands and 2 legs to do other things. Stop complaining that "Why my life is tough. Oh I'm so lazy. I going to xxx!" ! (include myself. But try to think of it ! If you think your life sucks, how about others ?? They can't even walk probably and do want the others people can do. Especially for those who have very very negative thinking until going to suicide. Use your own hands to help other people or help our country to do something benefits to them.

Situation 2:-
Other story I would like to highlight is one of the parents were very poor. They had one daughter who had been going to university in KL. What I heard the parents said she was very well-behaved person since in primary school and secondary school. After went in university, their daughter was changed a lot. She was very stress. She yelled to their parents and wreak to them, punish them. That was very very terrible that I've heard. She got no friends at there. Her parents keep complain the social's fault. Social influence their daughter to become very cruel. Lecturer torture her. Her friends talk behind her and Tec. The rate of her hate was too over. She's very negative thinking now. Also she very very hate Tzu Chi. Once she know the Tzu Chi help their parents to gain their lifestyles. She started to scold their parents. "Why you call them for help? They just a lier! Bla Bla Bla..".

When you read this situation, are you this kind of people? Of not, I would like to congratulate you're not a part of that girl. In social life, sometimes it's very reality. We need to think of it, sometimes the world not so dark. There still have the bright side in this world. The social makes us become strong and independently. 
We failed, we try again.
We lost, we start over.
We get "shoot", we choose to ignore or listen their opinion correct or not.
We lost our relationship, stay strong or blessing them.

In conclusion, it's very important that how we use our brain to think in positive way. People said: "世界上有黑就会有白,只要懂得善用你的头脑,你就会发现世界原来是那么光彩。"
For me, sometimes I'm very lazy to read those article in Facebook or magazine. It's a good way try to visit poor people and help them. You may found somethings different.